> i will describe my thoughts about that,
> i read the
> http://gambasdoc.org/help/cat/constants
> and i saw that a TRUE or FALSE value is a Language constant.
> Also NULL is a Language constant!
> So i expected from IsObject() to return FALSE when it is feed with
> constants as argument.
> So
> PRINT IsObject(TRUE)       'False
> PRINT IsObject(FALSE)      'False
> PRINT IsObject(0)          'False
> PRINT IsObject("a string") 'False
> But
> PRINT IsObject(NULL)       'True
> Some more thoughts..
> In wiki says that NULL is a void string
> and indeed...
> PRINT IsObject("")    'True
> 1) But what if someone want to check a void string?
> 2) How a
>    PRINT IsObject("a string") 'is False
>    and a
>    PRINT IsObject("") 'is not False
> both are strings and not Objects.

In Gambas, NULL and the void string are the same thing.

Benoît Minisini

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