Yes the first argument is the Min and the second is the Max.

But if i pass one argument

PRINT Rnd(2)

this is equal

PRINT Rnd(0, 2)

so one argument is the Max parameter
and the range is

[0, 2] where 2=Max

in example that is said

' Between 0 and 2
PRINT Rnd(2)

* If only one parameter is specified, returns a pseudo-random in the
interval [ 0 , Max]

What did i understand wrong?

On Thu, 2010-11-25 at 13:28 +0100, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> > For one parameter you still have
> > 
> > * If only one parameter is specified, returns a pseudo-random in the
> > interval [ 0 , Min [.
> > 
> > i think is
> > 
> > * If only one parameter is specified, returns a pseudo-random in the
> > interval [ 0 , Max [.
> > 
> > and something else what does it mean
> > 0, Max [.
> > ?
> > 
> > isn't it [0, Max] ?
> > 
> No, as _Min_ is the first argument.

Demosthenes Koptsis.

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