> Hi,
> Here is just a few words about recently added features in Gambas 3, for
> those who didn't see them.
> ...

I forgot:

5) Now the interpreter does an automatic conversion between all array classes 
(except embedded arrays that are not real arrays).

So now you can write:

        Dim MyArray As Byte[] = [ 0, 1, 2 ]

Whereas you had to write that before:

        Dim MyArray As Byte[] = [ CByte(0), CByte(1), CByte(2) ]

You can do that too:

        Dim MyArray As Integer[] = [ "1", Pi,  Now ]

The conversion is done too when passing arguments to functions.

At the moment, only native classes can implement a specific conversion 

It will be now possible to add an automatic conversion from Collection to a 
Variant[] (for example).

Maybe in the future I will allow that for Gambas classes, but I am not sure it 
is a good idea. As conversion is done automatically under the hood, I prefer 
that feature to be clearly defined and limited.


Benoît Minisini

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