Here is an important piece of additional information. If I change my 
project components from gb.qt4 to gb.gtk then the error #11 disappears.
Also my desktop height is correctly reported as 1050 when using GTK. 
Also the font of a GTK frame does not automatically go bold. I was using 
QT in Gambas 2 for it's printer and draw library but I can switch to GTK 
in Gambas3 as soon as I work out how to use the new print facilities.

On 03/12/10 14:53, Michael wrote:
> Benoit,
> The output from Valgrind is attached. I added the leak-check option to 
> give you more information. The application was just automatically 
> generated by Gambas 3 with Fform to which I added 1 menu item with no 
> action code. The same bug appears in an app I ported from gambas2.
> On unrelated matters re: Porting from Gambas 2 to Gambas 3. I have the 
> following problems.
> 1. The color options offered in Gambas 3 are different to Gambas 2. 
> All my pale blue forms are now pink.
> 2. I used font Ubuntu +1 for QT text boxes in G2. In Gambas 3 the same 
> font appears huge. I had to change it to ubuntu -1.  In a Frame 
> control the font is always bold in G3 but in G2 I could set it to 
> 'normal' without problem.
> 3. All the forms copied from G2 were reduced in size. This was 
> probably caused by the Desktop.Height which I use to format forms 
> based on video resolution. My system is 1680*1050 resolution and G2 
> reports Desktop.height as 1050. G3 reports desktop height as 1002! The 
> desktop width is reported correctly. Have you changed the method of 
> measuring desktop.height?
> It seems upgrading from Gambas 2 to 3 is not a trivial exercise.
> Thanks for your help
> Michael
> On 03/12/10 10:43, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>>> Thanks Benoit,
>>> This enabled me to run in the IDE. I still have other mods to do as the
>>> components do not fit on the form but I will work on this.
>>> The error#11 did not happen with the V2.0 project. I started Gambas 3,
>>> select File/New Project/QT4.
>>> Get a project with FMain.  Press F5 and runs ok. CLick the X to close
>>> the form and get error #11 plus the warning I mentioned previously.
>>> Regards
>>> Mike
>> Please, can you run your project with the valgrind tool to know where it
>> crashes exactly?
>> 1) Gambas 3 must be compiled with debugging information enabled, 
>> which should
>> be the case by default.
>> 2) Open a terminal
>> 3) "cd" to the directory of the project that crashes
>> 4) Run the following command:
>> $ valgrind --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --num-callers=50 gbx3
>> 5) Send me the output of valgrind.
>> Of course, the valgrind tool must have been installed.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
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