Using GB.GTK+ Library on Ubuntu maverick, I notice odd display behaviour:
1. Set a panel to default foreground, and text  on components is black 
in the IDE, as expected. Run the app and all text is grey.
2. As item 1 but select foreground color as "System.TextForeGround" and 
same problem.
3. As item 2 but select foreground color as "Free 000000" and all text 
is black in IDE and live.
4. Select a font as Ubuntu -1 and it appears as 10pt as  expected in the 
IDE. Run the app and it is about 14pt.
5. As item 4 but check the "Size" box and select a size of 10. It 
appears in the IDE, and Live, correctly as 10pt.
6. Set a Panel border to "Etched" and it appears correctly in IDE but, 
when run, it appears as plain. Same applies to "Raised" and "Sunken".

I have used Panel as an example but the problems apply to other 
components such as labels and text boxes. All the problems can be worked 
around but it seems a backward step from the Gambas 2 IDE

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