
1. From Wiki:

Finds a cell from mouse coordinates relative to the control.

This function returns TRUE <http://gambasdoc.org/help/lang/true> if no cell
is found. Otherwise, the found cell is accessible from the
But I don't find grid view's Item property.

2. I followed the "Drag and Drop" example to make an Icon view with that I
can drag & drop to reorder  items. It works fine with unscrolled-yet Icon
view. But after scroll the icon view toward bottom, I got wrong item.
I can not find the solution, so I tried with Grid view (with ScrollX &
ScrollY property) but I have same problem.
Here is the demo project. For simpler, I test with mouse down event: open,
click => get right cell; then scroll, click => wrong cell.

Attachment: demoGrid-0.0.1.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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