> (aded the code here, maybe easier now)
> I have some general questions to the attached code.
>  'A: this works ok
>   DIM result_T as Date
>   result_T = Now - start_T
>   ValueBox1.Value = Format$(result_T, "uu")
>   'B: bad fornmat string
>   'ValueBox1.Value = Format$(Now - start_T, "uu")
>   'C: no msec possible ?
>   'ValueBox1.Value = DateDiff(start_T, Now, 1)
> why B gives a "bad formatstring" error ?

Because Now - start_T is not a date. Arithmetic operators always convert date 
to float at the moment.

> Is there a possibility to make DateDiff return msec ?

In Gambas 3, I could add an option for that.

> Since SVN 3410 my error balloon are shown too short to read them.
> How can i change this ?

Is it better with the last revision?

> I there a pool for example contributions ?
> I want to send a _draw_event example code.

Send them to the mailing-list, I will tell you if they are good enough! Or 
post them to Fabien's Gambas web site, if it is ready.


Benoît Minisini

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