Status: New
Owner: benoit.minisini
Labels: Version Type-Bug Priority-Medium OpSys-Any Dist-Any Arch-Any  

New issue 5 by ihaywood3: GUI crash on menu editor

1) Describe the problem.

Clicking on the menu editor button in the form editor causes
GUI crash

stacktrace from GUI is:

Settings.ReadWindow.335: #13: Null object
0: Settings.ReadWindow.335
1: Settings.Read.385
2: FMenu.Form_Open.47
3: FMenu.Run.18
4: FForm.Action_Activate.2870
5: >Action.Raise.217

2) GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIONS (if they are appropriate):

Version: TRUNK
Operating system: Linux
Distribution: Ubuntu
Architecture: x86
GUI component:  QT4
Desktop used: Gnome

3) Provide a little project that reproduces the bug or the crash.

4) If your project needs a database, try to provide it, or part of it.

5) Explain clearly how to reproduce the bug or the crash.

6) By doing that carefully, you have done 50% of the bug fix job!

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