> Gambas Developer Team,
> I used svn and downloaded the trunk and ran ./reconf-all. I have
> installed 3.0 Gambas as a sub-directory in my /home/jrs/gambas-dev/trunk
> and ready to build Gambas 3.0. Before I get started I have a few
> questions and maybe the answers will help other newbies like me to
> Gambas help test the 3.0 release.
> 1. Do I still need to run ./configure after running ./reconf-all ?

Yes. Better run "./configure -C", it will be faster.

> 2. I would like to continue to keep the 2.22 release I built as the
> default and run 3.0 out of my home directory for testing. Should I use
> the prefix option with configure to have the install create the binaries
> in /home/jrs/???

Gambas 2 and Gambas 3 should not interfere in any way.
> 3. If I want to refresh the truck and test recent fixes, is there a svn
> command to only download the files that have changed since my last truck
> request?

"svn update" or "svn up". There is a quick & dirty svn howto on the wiki.

> 4. Is there a way to only recompile a component and install it rather
> than doing a complete build from scratch?

Only what has been changed will be recompiled. And Gambas and its components 
are like Linux kernel and its drivers. If you just recompile and install a 
component, it may not work, if that component needs something outside of its 
source directory that has changed too.

> 5. Is there a better way to report suspected bugs other than the list?

The place where you report a bug is not really important at the moment (the 
mailing-list or the bug tracker). The important thing is how you report it. 
I.e. by providing all the details and a project that reproduces the bug!

> 6. What area(s) of Gambas development are most important at this time to
> get the 3.0 release out?

I'd like the gb.report component to be usable - Be bold Fabien! :-) - and I'd 
like to replace the current IconView control by an IconView entirely made in 
Gambas. Maybe a few little things besides that, and a release candidate will 
be possible.


Benoît Minisini

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