On 30/01/11 03:17, Nicolas Koch wrote:
> I have a populated ListView and I want to run commands from the list, but
> the list items with spaces won't work in SHELL or EXEC.
> Message.Info(ListView.Current.Text) will return the list item with spaces as
> it should ie. "this is test"
> however when I go to
> EXEC [ListView.Current.Text]
> or
> SHELL ListView.Current.Text
> only "this" will show up in SHELL or EXEC and not "this is test"
> How do I get ListView.Current.Text to keep the spaces when I EXEC or SHELL?
> code:
> PUBLIC SUB Run_Click()
>   Message.Info(ListView.Current.Text)
>   *' EXEC [ListView.Current.Text]*
>   SHELL (ListView.Current.Text)

If you want to use shell there is Shell$ that does the conversion:

If you want to use EXEC you can split a command into its atoms with Split:
using space as separator. It can then be reassembled with brackets and
commas before being used.


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