Am 04.03.2011 01:02, schrieb Benoît Minisini:
>> Hi folks,
>> This is a small project I have been circling around for about a year or
>> so. It would be a simple command line application that waits for and
>> evaluates every keystroke you make.
>> Some of you were so kind to point me to Application_Read to achieve
>> that, but I found it only gives one single keystroke (a Return) and
>> (seamingly) is never called again. To make things short, this is the
>> core of my application so far:
>> ' Gambas module file
>> PRIVATE txt AS String
>> PUBLIC SUB Main()
>> END
>> PUBLIC SUB Application_Read()
>> DIM t$ AS String
>>     PRINT "hello world" 'this is just debug code
>>     READ #LAST, t$, -256
>>       IF t$<>  "" THEN
>>         PRINT t$&  " : ";
>>       END IF
>>       txt = txt&  t$
>>       PRINT "keys are:"&  txt;
>>       txt = ""
>> END
>> So, why does "hello world" only appear one single time (after a first
>> Return), and why will I never read " : " but only the letters of the
>> keys pressed?
>> On my machine, the whole thing runs within "Konsole" on a graphical
>> screen, but I think that will not really make a difference, will it?
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Regards
>> Rolf
> Please send a complete project each time you report a bug, even if it is a
> small one that looks evident for you.
> Regards,

Errr - didn't I? What is missing?


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