> Hi all, IconView has a bug. This is an oversight, and verify which mouse
> button has been pressed to initiate a selection. Code in the line 815:
> If $iMode = Select.Multiple And Mouse.Left Then

I don't understand what the problem is.

> Well, now the question. Why are we using control Separator, instead of
> using a class that use Draw.Style.Separator? I improvised a little class
> called "RealSeparator". Perhaps you could replace the old.
> Inherits UserControl
> Export
> Private dwgSep As DrawingArea
> Public Const _Similar As String = "Separator"
> Public Sub _new()
>   dwgSep = New DrawingArea(Me) As "dwgSep"
> End
> Public Sub dwgSep_Draw()
>   Draw.Begin(dwgSep)
>   Draw.Style.Separator(0, 0, dwgSep.ClientW, dwgSep.ClientH,
> (dwgSep.ClientH
> > dwgSep.ClientW))
>   Draw.End()
> End
> Regards,

All that is unneeded. It was just some code that was commented in gb.qt4! I 
fixed that in revision #3823.


Benoît Minisini

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