On Sun, 2011-07-03 at 21:02 +0200, tobias wrote:
> Benoît Minisini schrieb:
> >>> I need the component project.
> >> o.k., the error was "Cannot load class 'Socket': unable to load class
> >> file". component is attached.
> > 
> > OK, I see.
> > 
> > Component.Load("test_comp") will not force the load of the gb.net 
> > component. 
> > At the moment, the components dependencies are computed by the IDE, not at 
> > runtime.
> > 
> > I admit that should not be the case, but everything is not perfect yet. :-)
> > 
> > I think you can workaround the problem by:
> > - Checking the gb.net component in your project.
> > - Or adding 'Component.Load("gb.net")' in the component source code.
> > 
> > Note that the problem is the same in Gambas 3.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> i thought, i tried your second suggestion already but i'll see.
> no, it's not working. project attached again.
> > but everything is not perfect yet. :-)
> i'm glad to have found something that can be improved ;)
> but it gets even stranger... (at least, i don't understand it):
> if i open up the gambas ide and type to the console:
> ? Component.Load("test_comp")
> Cannot load class 'Socket': Unable to load class file
> so my problem persists.
> then i clicked on the Save button to save my project and the ide crashes 
> with something said about the "Null Object" if i already clicked to the 
> Save button or "Unable to load class 'Save'..." if i click the first 
> time. it's the same thing with almost any other control and even if i 
> minimize the window...
> (as i tested it again, the Save button worked... but the Create New 
> Project button not. i hope, you can reproduce the error)
> regards,
> tobi

Can't load or create? ... looks like file/directory permissions or file
mode issues to me.

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