On 11.07.2011 22:39, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>> On 11.07.2011 20:47, tobias wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> i wonder how to stop an observer from raising events? my code
>>> demonstrative code looks like this:
>>> (gambas2)
>>> PRIVATE hObs AS Observer
>>> PUBLIC SUB ObserveSubject(hSubject AS TextBox)
>>>      IF hObs THEN
>>>        ReleaseSubject()
>>>      ENDIF
>>>      hObs = NEW Observer(hSubject)
>>> END
>>> PUBLIC SUB ReleaseSubject()
>>>      ???
>>> END
>>> i think, i'm missing something very basic here...
>>> regards,
>>> tobi
>> oh, i just noticed the note in the online doc which is not present in my
>> offline one:
>> The observer object is attached to the observed object, and is freed
>> only when the observed object is freed too.
>> seems that there is no possibility without destroying the control. is
>> there a way to copy an entire object, so i can create a new TextBox with
>> the same property values?
> Why do you want to stop the observer?
as usual, i'm just interested ;)
in my example, the raising of observer events may become unnecessary or 
unwelcome because they restrict a control (i wanted to try another way 
of limiting the input of a textbox to number only, for example).
now, i'm discovering
FOR EACH s IN Class.Load("TextBox").Symbols
to copy the entire textbox before deleting it to get rid of the events :)


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