> Merci Fabiean,
> "paint.widht/height" thats a hint i can work with!
> I'm too stupid to derive documentation ad hoc from c sourcecode.
> Thats the reason i always ask here for examples :)
> And it is the reason i use Gambas, otherwiese i would do C/C++ and Qt
> directly.
> OK, let me try these properties now.
> wally

IconView is a control entirely written in Gambas, based on ScrollArea. This is 
why Fabien told you to look at its source code.

But as I told you ini my previous mail, as soon as you call ResizeContents() 
accordingly, and take the ScrollX, ScrollY properties into account when 
drawing, you should not see any difference between ScrollArea and DrawingArea


Benoît Minisini

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