> Question:
> If I have a class 'myClass' with the following:
>     DIM k = NEW OBJECT[100]
>     PUBLIC SUB _init()
>        DIM i AS INTEGER
>        FOR i = 1 TO 100
>           k[i] = NEW STRING[]      'add a string array
>           k[i].add("HELLO")        'add one element with "HELLO"
>        NEXT
>     END
> Somewhere else I have:
>     DIM Q AS NEW myClass[5]        ' constructor executes 5 times

No : you are creating an array of myClass references, but you are not creating 
any myClass object at all.

And this is a normal array, not an embedded one.

>     Q[2] = NULL   '<---will the embeded string memory get freed too
>                        when the myClass object is freed ??

What is "string memory" ?

Anyway a myClass object will be freed as soon as nothing has a reference on 


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