On 26/07/11 18:24, Demosthenes Koptsis wrote:
> i have a multiline text (a text with emails) in a TextArea
> and i want RegExp to return the list of emails.
> How to do this?
> i use
> ----------------
> Private sRegExp As Regexp
> Public Sub Form_Open()
>    Me.Center
> End
> Public Sub btnMatch_Click()
>    If IsNull(txtPattern.Text) Or IsNull(txtSubject.Text) Then Return
>    sRegExp = New Regexp(txtSubject.Text, txtPattern.Text, 2)
>    If sRegExp.Offset = -1 Then Return
>    txtResults.Text = sRegExp.Text
> End
> ----------------
> and txtPattern.Text=(?i)\b[a-z0-9._%\-]+@[a-z0-9._%\-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b
> but i get only one result, the first one
regexp only (ever) works on a line by line basis

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