> Hi out there,
> I do not check this at all:
> Public Sub Page_First_Init()
>     Dim hPictureBox As PictureBox
>     Dim I As Integer
>     For i = 0 To 9
>         hPictureBox = New PictureBox(Me) As "PBX"
>         hPictureBox.Tag = i
>     Next
> End
> Seems to work. But how do I call one of this bitmaps, for example make the
> first visible, and resize it? I have a complete crash with the FOR EACH, do
> not understand it at all, what to define where.
> I will be really grateful for some detailled help here, because it levels
> up the software massive, when I get this jump. I have looked a lot around,
> but for the point I don't understand - nothing.
> In this case PBX_Click() will help me nothing, because all PictureBoxes
> have to be invisible at start.
> Thanks in advance and regards,
> Dag-Jarle johansen

The solution is in the mail subject.

If you use Gambas 3, you can do that:

' ---------

Private $aPictureBox As PictureBox[]

Public Sub Page_First_Init()
    Dim hPictureBox As PictureBox
    Dim I As Integer
    $aPictureBox = New PictureBox[10]
    For i = 0 To 9
        hPictureBox = New PictureBox(Me) As "PBX"
        hPictureBox.Tag = i
        $aPictureBox[i] = hPictureBox

' ---------

Then you will access the i-th PictureBox somewhere else with $aPictureBox[i].


Benoît Minisini

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