Another migration problem.  I'm not having a good day. :-(

I don't know if this is a bug or whether I'm just not looking at the
code and/or the help correctly.

I am migrating a bunch of specialised controls from gambas2 to gambas3.
Much of it is working wonderfully but this one has got me beat.

The attached project has two specialised controls, a trivial example
called CBlueTextbox which works fine and one called ItemToolBar which
doesn't.  Testing the controls fails with the dreaded "incorrectly
overridden" message, specifically "UserControl._Arrangement is
incorrectly overridden in class ItemToolBar".  

CBlueTextBox inherits directly from TextBox, whereas ItemToolbar
inherits from UserControl.

I realise that the _Arrangement constant for the textbox is meaningless.
It's just there as an example.  However I think it is needed in the

(To make the attached project "work", delete the ItemToolBar class.)

regards and thanks in advance

Attachment: g3control-0.0.12.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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