> Hello Benoît,
> I would just like to add that trying your trick ( hFile = Open "." &
> CStr(iAlsaFileDescriptor) For xxx Watch) besides the problem about CPU
> over-working (at 100%), wich I have already told, there is also a strange
> thing: as you see in the source (wich I sent you in my previous e-mail),
> despite the line uses "write": hFile = Open "." &
> CStr(iAlsaFileDescriptor) For WRITE Watch
>   (So, for fd passed by Alsa that line works.)
> the called routine "wants" "Read": Public Sub File_Read().
> If I use " sub File_Write() ", it doesn't work !
> Thanks
> Paolo

By using:

        snd_seq_poll_descriptors(handle, pfds, npfds, POLLIN)

You are asking for ALSA file descriptors used for reading data, not for 
writing. So all that behaviour is expected!

Maybe if you put POLLOUT instead, things will behave better.

See the ALSA documentation:



Benoît Minisini

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
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