Am 06.10.2011 11:19, schrieb Demosthenes Koptsis:
> On Thu, 2011-10-06 at 08:23 +0200, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
>> Am 06.10.2011 00:26, schrieb Demosthenes Koptsis:
>>> The Project141 is attached if anyone want to check it out.
>>> i have a path with Greek-Latin characters but this is not the problem.
>>> i moved the project's folder to /home/user and the problem is the same.
>>> 1) What is the problem.
>>> When i run the code
>>> Dialog.Path = Application.Path
>>> If Dialog.SaveFile() Then Return
>>> The Save dialog shows but it point to a folder upper than
>>> Application.Path
>>> for example if
>>> Application.Path="/home/user/Project141"
>>> the dialog shows /home/user
>> Try "/home/user/Project141/" - does it help?
> No, that i said at the begining. The path with Greek letters is
> irrelevant with the Dialog.Path.
> Any path, also /home/user/Project141 will show one folder up,
> as /home/user.
> i think this is a bug.

Ok, maybe I got you wrong here, but what I meant was "add a slash at the 
end of the path to indicate the directory". I vaguely remembered I had 
this problem somewhere some time ago.

>>> 2) second problem.
>>> The path at the top of dialog is not shown correctly. Some characters or
>>> whole words are missing.
>>> Is this because of Greek letters in path?
>>> See screenshots from Open File and Save File dialogs
>> In the GUI you use, can you change the standard font for dialogs? It
>> looks as if the font for the trees offers greek letters, the one for the
>> labels in the dialogs does not.
> Is this true? Is there an issue with label's font?
> I think i can't change the Dialog Font.
> This can be done by developers

I don't know about an "issue" with labels :-) I just thought, IF your 
GUI (Gnome?) uses a different font for the labels (and I guess they use 
labels in this dialog) than for the TreeView, it MIGHT be the reason for 
the trouble here.

Most GUIs offer a way of determining the fonts you want to use for 
certain parts of the GUI, at least the "big" ones (I know it from KDE 
and Gnome, even LXDE and XFCE offer some regulations). So my proposal 
was you just play around with this to see if it as any effect (and to 
exclude a Gambas or Qt or whatever bug).

(I know, it's never a bug, it's a feature :-D )


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