Am Samstag, den 08.10.2011, 03:46 -0700 schrieb J_Mischk3:
> Mmm. I think the problem may be in your code. Can you show us how you read
> the 
> data and fill the TableView?
> No problem, here it is:
>         For i = 0 To sql2.DBResult.Max
>                 TabHandle.Rows[i].Selected = False
>                 TabHandle.Rows[i].Title = i + 1
>                 TabHandle[i, 0].text = RowStat[i]
>                 TabHandle[i, 0].Picture = Picture["bild1.png"]
>                 For j = 1 To sql2.DBResult.Fields.Count
>                         TabHandle[i, j].text = sql2.DBResult[j - 1]
>                 Next
>                 RowStat[i] = ROWNORMAL
>                 sql2.DBResult.MoveNext
>         Next
> How can I use this example with the Data Event???


if TabHandle is your TableView.

PUBLIC SUB TabHandle_Data(Row AS Integer, Column AS Integer)
    TabHandle.CellData(Row, Column)


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