On 10/09/2011 07:26 PM, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is the release of the fifth release candidate of Gambas 3.
> Of course there were big bugs since the RC4, and a RC5 is needed. :-/
> All the details about this release is on the web site.
> And if I don't get big bugs again, this RC will become the final release.
> Otherwise, you will have a RC6!
> As for the final release, I think we (not necessarilly I) should make some
> articles on some web sites to announce Gambas 3.
> If you have some suggestions about what to say and where to say it, you are
> strongly welcome!
> Best regards,
Submit the announcement to Slashdot and maybe gamedev.net (since it has 
much better SDL and OpenGL support now).

Kevin Fishburne
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