> Now I'm confused.
> > I read this "Collection keys are now hashed with their eight last
> > characters." from change log,
> "Collection keys are now hashed with their eight last characters." is not
> the
> same sentence as "Collection keys are now limited to eight characters.", is
> it?

I interpreted it as; only last eight characters are used.

>  > Was this "uint hash = 0x9A177BA5 ^ len;" missing earlier?
> What are you talking about?

Never mind, I was trying to read source code to understand what is going on,
but I think I'm too tired to concentrate enough.

This is what I read:

*r4153 | gambas | 2011-09-26 04:46:48 +0300 (Mon, 26 Sep 2011) | 12 lines

* OPT: Optimization of locale-aware string comparison routine.
* OPT: Do not use sprintf() for searching event handlers in symbol tables.
* OPT: String[].Find() and String.Exist() are now twice faster for ASCII
  binary and case insensitive comparisons.
* BUG: Initialize the locale before loading any class.
* OPT: Do not use sprintf() when searching a file inside Gambas archives.
* OPT: Unroll a loop to speed up binary string identity comparison a little
* BUG: Collection keys are now hashed with their eight last characters.
* BUG: Internal Collection automatic resizing was disabled. Re-enable it!*

But when browsing the source codes (
http://gambas.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gambas/ ),
I cannot find the described change from sources.

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