
I guess I got it :-) I found my old project where I used it, and now 
read this:

It depends on whether TextEdit is ReadOnly AND you shouldn't use .Insert 
but concatenate TextEdit.Text (oh my goodness...).

If ReadOnly = True, it reacts like TextLabel, i. e. "\n" is ignored and 
only HTML tags are interpreted.

If ReadOnly = False, it looks for a Return = chr$(10) = "\n" (which 
could be pressed by the user) and starts a new paragraph.

As you need it for reading only, set it accordingly and change "\n" to 
"<br>" - this should do it.

PUBLIC SUB WriteLog(sText AS String, OPTIONAL bStrip AS Boolean)

   IF NOT bStrip THEN sText &= "<br>"

   sText = "<b>" & Format$(Now, "yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn:ss") & "</b> " & sText
   FMain.txtMainLog.Text &= sText   'This runs better
   'FMain.txtMainLog.Insert(sText)  'This will mess it up
   PRINT sText;


Hope it helps!


Am 06.11.2011 11:22, schrieb Ron:
> Hi all,
> In my project I replaced the txtArea for readlonly TextEdit objects so I
> can color the text I want to emphasize, this works good.
> But how can I just do a single line wrap, until now I only got a blank line
> in between lines, or all lines concatenated together ;-(
> It must be something simple, see attached Gambas2 object to see what I mean.
> Thanks for any pointers in the right direction...
> Regards,
> Ron_2nd,
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