Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Version Type-Bug Priority-Medium OpSys-Any Dist-Any Arch-Any  
Desktop-Any GUI-Any

New issue 217 by Reducing the number of panels in a  
toolpanel crashes the IDE

1) Describe the problem.
IDE crashes silently: If the Count property of a toolpanel is reduced when  
the last panel is expanded, clicking on the label for the new last panel  
results in the IDE crashing silently.

2) GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIONS (if they are appropriate):
Version: TRUNK
Revision: recent from a few days ago
Operating system: Linux
Distribution: other
Architecture: x86
GUI component: QT4 (IDE)
Desktop used: LXDE

3) Provide a little project that reproduces the bug or the crash.

4) If your project needs a database, try to provide it, or part of it.

5) Explain clearly how to reproduce the bug or the crash.
Open the project and edit the FMain form.
Make sure Toolbar 2 is expanded
Drop the Count back to 2
Click on ToolBar 1 Label
===> IDE just crashes

        toolpanelcrash-0.0.1.tar.gz  4.6 KB

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