Looks interesting!
What's up next? Gambas.net framework with webforms? ;)

2012/3/18 Benoît Minisini <gam...@users.sourceforge.net>

> Hi,
> In revision #4561, Gambas compiler now can compile WebPage.
> ---- What is a WebPage ?
> WebPage is a new "form" type that you enable in the IDE by using the
> 'gb.web' component.
> It generates an HTML page from an HTML template having an ASP-like syntax.
> A WebPage has two parts: a "class" part (like forms) stored in a *.class
> file, and an HTML template part stored in a *.webpage file. The HTML
> part is edited with a standard text editor.
> At the moment, the following syntaxes are implemented:
> <% Code %>
>        This introduces Gambas code inside the HTML page. Use the
>        PRINT instruction to generate some HTML directly.
> <%= Expression %>
>        This evaluates Expression and convert it to HTML with the
>        Html$() function.
> For example:
> <html>
> <body>
> <%Dim sEnv As String%>
> <h2>Environment</h2>
> <table>
> <%For Each sEnv In Application.Env%>
> <tr>
>   <td><%=sEnv%></td>
>   <td><%=Application.Env[sEnv]%></rd>
> </tr>
> <%Next%>
> </table>
> <%
> Print "<p>"; Html("Cool isn't it?"); "</p>"
> %>
> </body>
> </html>
> ---- How does it work internally?
> The *.webpage file is transformed by the compiler into a Render() method
> added to the *.class file. This Render() methods prints the generated
> HTML to the standard output.
> ---- So now?
> Let's talk about what kind of useful syntax could be implemented!
> I think that every template syntax should be enclosed by '<%' and '%>'.
> I think that some sort of include is needed. For example, something like
> <%{OtherWebPage}%> will be transformed into "OtherWebPage.Render()", so
> that the OtherWebPage is included into the current one.
> Nothing is engraved in the marble (french expression), so please tell
> what you think about that, and if you have ideas!
> Regards,
> --
> Benoît Minisini
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