Sunday, 25 March 2012

Not a bug report.

From the Gambas bug tracker:
Debian Wheezy - up to date - Quad core AMD Phenom II X4 965 (-MCP-) cache: 2048 KB - Gambas2.23 (latest in wheezy) - gb.qt

I attached two images of a problem. Before.png is a command button with only text and after.png is a command button with text and a picture. Note the alignment changes from the normal centre to left after the picture is added. I cannot find an alignment property for a command button.

I searched for like problems but I could not find any.

Is this the normal effect of adding a picture?

This is an old version so a bug report is not applicable but does anyone have any hints on how to restore the alignment?

A workaround is simply not to add pictures.

Thank You

<<attachment: before.png>>

<<attachment: after.png>>

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