Embedded arrays are declared like this:

Public ArrayOfStrings[5] As String

While normal arrays are declared like
Dim ArrayOfStrings As New String[5]
Public ArrayOfStrings As New String[5]

I can agree the documentation is maybe a bit strange...

Embedded arrays take upp less space since the data they contain are
directly allocated as a datafield in a class, but slower to use because a
wrapper object holding a reference is created every time you use it.
Embedded arrays can not be declarated as a local variable, because each
value on the stack always take up a constant memory usage in gambas (32
bytes for 64-bit platform), and arrays can be larger than that.

I suggest you should avoid embedded arrays. They are useful when you need
to create a struct containing an array that should be passed to an external
C function that expects such a struct, but not otherwise.


2012/5/6 RICHARD WALKER <richard.j.wal...@ntlworld.com>

> Greetings to the list on a fine Sunday afternoon (should be outside
> enjoying it instead of hacking on a new project!).
> I am having difficulty understanding the correct way to program with
> arrays in Gambas 3. The documentation has this warning notice:
> In Gambas 3, embedded arrays cannot be used as local variables
> anymore. But they can be public!
> This is from http://gambasdoc.org/help/lang/arraydecl?show&v3
> The same page shows that local variables are declared as:
> (1) DIM Identifier AS [ NEW ] Datatype [ Array dimensions ... ]
> Embedded arrays are defined as being declared in this way:
> (2) [ STATIC ] { PUBLIC | PRIVATE } Identifier [ Array dimensions ...
> ] AS Native Datatype
> My difficulty is that I do not understand how an embedded array
> declared with syntax (2) can be taken for a local variable, which is
> declared with syntax (1). Is there some other non-technical meaning
> for "local variable" which is intended in the notice?
> Richard
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