Noted some issues last night...

First one is with Date(now). If assigned to a variable (or printed) it
adds placeholders for time as zeroes like...

  05/14/2012 00:00:00

Second is regarding the Shell command. If I execute the following
code on my NAS nothing happens, same code works OK in Xubuntu running
on x86...

  Shell "clear" Wait

Simple repro code for both issues in attachement.

Maybe I'm missing something that changed in Gambas3 but above did not
happen in Gambas2 2.23.1.

I'm running Gambas3 #4702 under Debian 5.03 on ARM.

PS: I apologize if this is the wrong way to report bugs/issues. If
thats the case please let me know where/how to report issues.


Attachment: clear_date_demo.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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