Op 18-05-12 16:06, Ru Vuott schreef:
>> After some sleep I found a way.  It's a list of
>> addresses.  I can count
>> the records, and I know there can 28 records on one page, so
>> just some
>> mathematics and that's ok.  Just have to figure out if
>> I got to start
>> over with my coordinates (as with a new page) or that I that
>> I have to
>> count further form the top of page 1.
>> Layout before your printing?  That's a thought to
>> investigate.
>> I reacted to hard yesterday evening I think (lack of
>> sleep).  There's
>> alway a way around.
> Hello Johny,
> Let us know how you do!
> Bye
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I will, but it can take some time.
I'm not a professional programmer.  Mostly I program just for fun and 
because it's possible.  My first computer was a Tandy Color way back in 
time.  I learned Tandy basic from books.  Later on Qbasic, Clipper and 
the visual basics till vb6.  Visual studio I  let go, to complicate or 
to much new stuff.
I started with Linux on mandrake 9 and later on the Ubuntu's from 2006.  
I missed vb and found RealBasic but there was lack of support for the 
free version.  Then I found Gambas.  The programmers did a hell of a job 
and the support is super.  The programs I make are mostly for own use.  
Started a couple of weeks to update to Gambas 3.  Only the printing part 
gave me difficulties.  Years long I open a printer and then send the 
text and graphics to it.  I still manage to do so but every page is 
printed on one page.  Must do some rethinking with a open mind without 
the years of 'ballast'.

Thanks for the support.

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