On Sun, 20 May 2012, tobi wrote:
> On Sun, 20 May 2012, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> > Le 20/05/2012 16:26, William Cabrera a écrit :
> > > Hi, I have been testing the component ncurses and so far everything well,
> > > but the functions mentioned in the title simply do not work. Below is a
> > > sample code:
> > >
> > > #!/usr/bin/env gbs3
> > >
> > > USE "gb.ncurses"
> > >
> > > dim hwin As Window
> > > dim cadena, cad as string
> > > cadena = "Hola Mundo"
> > > cad = left(cadena)
> > > hwin = New Window(0, 0, 20, 30)
> > > hwin.Background = Color.Blue
> > > hwin.show()
> > > hwin.Full()
> > > hwin.print(right$(cadena), 0, 0)
> > > hwin.print(right$(cadena, 3), 0, 1)
> > > hwin.print(right$(cadena, -3), 0, 2)
> > > hwin.print(left$(cadena), 0, 3)
> > > hwin.print(left$(cadena, 3), 0, 4)
> > > hwin.print(left$(cadena, -3), 0, 5)
> > > hwin.print(mid$(cadena, 2, 2), 0, 6)
> > > hwin.WaitKey()
> > >
> > > And this is the output
> > >
> > > o
> > > ndo
> > > a Mundo
> > > Hola Mundo
> > > Hola Mundo
> > > Hola Mundo
> > > ola Mundo
> > >
> > > [System]
> > > OperatingSystem=Linux
> > > Kernel=3.2.0-1-686-pae
> > > Architecture=i686
> > > Memory=2065228 kB
> > > DistributionVendor=Asturix
> > > DistributionRelease="Asturix 4"
> > > Desktop=Gnome
> > >
> > > [Gambas 3]
> > > Version=3.1.90
> > > Path=/usr/local/bin/gbx3
> > >
> > > [Libraries]
> > > Qt4=libQtCore.so.4.8.1
> > > GTK+=libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.2400.10
> > >
> > > P.D. Sorry for my english, this is not my native language
> > >
> > > ------
> > > William Cabrera
> > > http://willicab.gnu.org.ve
> > 
> > This is a bug in the gb.ncurses component whose methods do not read 
> > their string arguments correctly. Tobi are you here?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Benoît Minisini
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> I'm here and working! Sorry, haven't read the subject entirely when I first 
> saw the incoming mail...
> So you expect this output in the window, right?:
> o
> ndo
> a Mundo
> H
> Hol
> Hola Mu
> ol
> So my question bounces to Benoît: It's said in the docs that the three string 
> functions used above
> are optimised so that they don't duplicate strings. Does that mean or is it a 
> general fact that I
> cannot rely on the STRING() macro to extract a NUL-terminated string from a 
> given GB_STRING
> argument? At least there doesn't seem to be a NUL byte which causes the 
> component to print
> everything that follows until the end of the original string...
> Brief explanation and after lunch, it's done.
> Regards,
> Tobi

There was an accumulation of changes due to an unfinished feature but I finally 
commited the fix for
that issue - component is still broken. Printing should work as expected now. 
But don't try to use
events in the meantime until.

However, thank you for pointing that out.


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Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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