On Tue, 31 Jul 2012, Beno?t Minisini wrote:
> Le 30/07/2012 21:12, Tobias Boege a ?crit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > Hans ran this function from me on his setup (don't know which revision) with
> > the following parameters "ToolTip" and "Tooltip". Note the second 't' in
> > lowercase. The first gave a lot of class names, the second argument only
> > gave the "Action" class. Could this be a typo?
> >
> > Alas, below is a test version I just wrote to test this potential bug on
> > my system of choice where no graphical components are compiled so I cannot
> > test :-/ If somebody could quickly run this test in a graphical project
> > where the classes in question are present, I could report the results back
> > to Hans (if he just has to update his revision or check other things
> > instead).
> > If I remember correctly, the documentation is generated from the gambas
> > sources and thus it could be reliable enough to check for typos, right? I
> > cannot see any in the gb.qt4 component but Hans just re-reported this issue
> > to me...?
> >
> > Here goes the code:
> >
> > Public Sub Main()
> >
> >    Print "ToolTip:"
> >    Print "", SearchClasses("ToolTip").Join("\n\t")
> >    Print
> >    Print "Tooltip:"
> >    Print "", SearchClasses("Tooltip").Join("\n\t")
> >    Print
> >
> > End
> >
> > Private Function SearchClasses(sProp As String) As String[]
> >
> >    Dim hClass As Class
> >    Dim aNames As New String[]
> >
> >    For Each hClass In Classes
> >      If hClass.Symbols.Exist(sProp) Then aNames.Add(hClass.Name)
> >    Next
> >    Return aNames
> >
> > End
> >
> > Regards,
> > Tobi
> >
> There is a typo indeed. But what is the problem with it, as symbols are 
> case unsensitive?
> -- 
> Beno?t Minisini

I don't know what he wanted to accomplish and if this is necessary but if
the above code lists 'Action' in a different group of spelling 'ToolTip'
(and it really does), property names are _not always_ case insensitive,
right? I myself find that somewhat inconsistent.
I'll ask him for his specific need for that trick if you want but I don't
think this problem will be encountered in every-day code...
I cannot see any feasible solution here - the whole property lookup process
from classes is certainly case insensitive but the operations on the
Class.Symbols which is String[] cannot simply be intercepted and
automatically made gb.IgnoreCase, or am I wrong?

Alternatively, I'll just tell him that we cannot assume any case in any
names when using the Object and Class interfaces so that we always manually
set gb.IgnoreCase on these.


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