Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Version Type-Bug Priority-Medium OpSys-Any Dist-Any Arch-Any  
Desktop-Any GUI-Any

New issue 309 by gb.signal - Signal.Catch is  

1) Describe the problem.
Signal[int].Catch actually sets event firing for all signal values, not  
just the one specified by the int

2) GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIONS (if they are appropriate):

Version: as before

3) Provide a little project that reproduces the bug or the crash.
Use project from 306

4) If your project needs a database, try to provide it, or part of it.

5) Explain clearly how to reproduce the bug or the crash.
Run the project in the IDE
In a virtual terminal:
   ps u|grep testsig
   kill -SIGUSR2 <pid_from_above>

the process terminates.

Uncomment line 6 and repeat
Now the behaviour is as expected.


6) By doing that carefully, you have done 50% of the bug fix job!

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you encounter several different problems or bugs, (for
example, a bug in your project, and an interpreter crash while debugging
it), please create distinct issues!

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