> >
> It's very easy to compile gambas3 on quantal :
> sudo apt-get add-repository ppa:sebikul/gambas-daily
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get build-dep gambas3
> you get the svn on gambas.sourceforge.net
> (maybe you will have to install subversion before : sudo
> apt-get install 
> subversion)
> then follow the webpage for compiling gambas
> ./reconf-all
> ./configure --prefix=/usr (on ubuntu)
> make -j? (depending on the number of processor core) for me
> is -j4
> sudo make install
> mostly you have to do svn up in trunk to get the latest
> version
> make and make install
> run fine :)


I followed your suggestion: the installation is been OK, but if I try to launch 
Gambas from /usr/local/bin/....   it doesen't run.
In that directory there are the following file:
- gambas3  (as link to gambas3.gambas);
- gambas3.gambas;
- gba3;
- gbc3;
- gbi3;
- gbr3;
- gbs3;
- gbs3.gambas;
- gbw3;
- gbx3.

I can click on any of those, but IDE gambas doesn't run.


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