Good evening Benoît,
No doubt you are right. I thought it might be connected with the level
of support in LXDE for xdg and the Portland project (I wish I knew
what that means) but I got the same results with other xdg compliant
desktops; IceWM, awesome, and a couple of others I can't remember now.

I still have the 3.1.1 source on another machine from when I
backported the fix you provided for xinerama desktop screen position
saving (I think) so I will try searching through that to find out how
the "missing" features are implemented for KDE/Gnome and see if there
is a more agnostic way of doing the same for LXDE and the rest.

Thank you for your attention to this. I'll report back if I get
anywhere interesting, but don't hold your breath:-)


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