Le 17/09/2012 21:41, Demosthenes Koptsis a écrit :
> Στις 17/9/2012 20:52, ο/η Tobias Boege έγραψε:
>> On Mon, 17 Sep 2012, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> Long time ago I set up a Gambas application in my internal server for
>>> cgi. I do remember there was some tweaking of Apache confs to tell it to
>>> accept .gambas and .gbs as a cgi program, but I don't remember what it
>>> was. Now I have tried to install this on another server, but of course
>>> it wasn't as simple as just copying the binaries into cgi-bin.
>>> Can one of you guys point me to it? I already searched my apache config
>>> files, but I didn't find where I have changed something.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Rolf
>> Hi Rolf,
>> my answer is as always: Hans (you know him?) already did this and wrote a
>> paper (in german). I don't mind (and he doesn't mind me) sending it along
>> with everything else he felt to put in that tarball back then (Gambas2
>> times). Since I last sent it to someone I actually tested it out and it
>> indeed worked on our school server ;-)
>> Apache configuration is not much of that paper, I hope you find it
>> useful; any credit to Hans.
>> Unfortunately, the tarball (even only the PDF xz-compressed) appears to
>> be >512 KiB (must have been the reason I never really wanted to send it to
>> the list) and so I'll send it to you via private mail.
>> Benoit, may I finally send the whole archive to the list (read: Are you
>> inclined to approve that ~1.5 MiB archive?)
>> Regards,
>> Tobi
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> Hi there,
> see the main server how it configs a cgi-bin directory.
> in mine for www is
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
> <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
> AllowOverride None
> Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> </Directory>
> a similar config must be in your virtual host for its cgi-bin directory
> For more Apache configs see the official Apache docs.
> After that you have to create a script in an text editor with this line
> #!/usr/local/bin/gbs3
> or wherever gbs3 is located at your system
> this binary can run gambas scripts from console.
> i used it to write a gambas console script as cgi but Benoit suggests to
> use instead a binary gambas file but i cant figure out how to run a
> test.gambas file as cgi.

Hu??? If you can run any script (file beginning with "#!") as CGI 
script, then you run any gambas executable, that are script too. The 
only requirement is that "gbr3" and "gbx3" directory *must be in the 
PATH environmental variable*. Because Gambas executable start with "#! 
/usr/bin/env gbr3".


Benoît Minisini

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
threats. http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfrnl04242012/114/50122263/
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