Le 02/10/2012 02:50, RICHARD WALKER a écrit :
> a = array of any type


> b = boolean


> c = container ?

c = Collection

> h = several different things, mostly Objects

h = Object of any type

> i = integer, short, byte


> s = string


d = Date too.

> $ = can be added in front of one of the above to signify ... ?

I use that to indicate a global variable.

> Use of these prefixes would also appear to imply that all variable
> names (the real part) must start with a capital letter.


And public symbols never follows this convention, but the "Pascal" 
convention, i.e. "ThisIsASymbolName". An underscore prefix means an 
hidden symbol.

> Is there a reference page for this somewhere? I'll have a look tomorrow.

Fabien's wiki page is similar, but this is just my convention, it is not 
actually mandatory.

It is just that things must be readable other people than just you, as 
it is an example.

> Damn! That's the end of that then :-( Seriously though, I reckon that
> one is the killer. Although the program is quite small there are one
> or two places where I couldn't determine the "right" way to get
> something done, and research didn't help, so I just kept modifying my
> code until it would work, or I gave up and went another way.
> Or put it another way, on reflection I would be too embarrassed to
> have the father of Gambas read my effort. I might have a go at
> something simpler which merely uses the font and colour choosers - I
> don't think they have been featured yet.

If you have done something bad, I will tell you and you will change (or 
I will change if it is too complex). That's all. Nothing to worry about.

As a summary, I would say that an example is not a quick & dirty way of 
doing thing (which I can do like everyone).


Benoît Minisini

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