hello, after years developing in vb6/.net on windows platforms, i'm
forcing to switch to the linux operating system.

I discovered gambas like a very easy and painless very high level
programming language, and in few minutes i installed the IDE/compiler
and wrote down a simple mp3 player (using gb.sd.music)

now i need to find a way to replace my radio automation software (i
wrote in VB6) with something compatible with ubuntu systems, but i
discovered i cannot use gb.sdl to playback multiple mp3 files at the
same time (need to cross dissolve songs).

There are plan to extend g.sdl features or there is an alternative?
Other multimedia libraries (gstreamer)?

Thanks a lot,

Federico Allegretti

Messagenet VOIP: 5338759

My blogs: http://altri-media.blogspot.com/

YouTube Channel: AllegFede

VIMEO HD videos: http://www.vimeo.com/user1912745/videos

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