Le 03/04/2013 17:05, Willy Raets a écrit :
> On Mon, 2013-03-18 at 19:30 +0100, Willy Raets wrote:
>> When running a Gambas application using gb.qt4 on Lubuntu 12.10 with
>> LXDE 0.5.11 IconView shows black.
>> Using gb.gui or gb.gtk poses no problems, IconView shows normal.
>> Problem is ONLY with LXDE 0.5.11, previous version of Lubuntu 12.04 with
>> LXDE 0.5.8 shows the IconView normal. So does LXDE 0.5.10 on a Fedora
>> box. Tested Xubuntu 12.10 with Xfce 0.4.10 as well, no problem there.
>> On LXDE 0.5.11 I tested with both Gambas 3.4 and Gambas 3.4 rev. #5582
>> Attached a source code archive with an example.
>> System specification of the Lubuntu 12.10 LXDE 0.5.10 (in VM) are:
>> [System]
>> OperatingSystem=Linux
>> Kernel=3.5.0-25-generic
>> Architecture=x86
>> Distribution=Ubuntu 12.10
>> Desktop=LXDE
>> Theme=QGtk
>> Language=en_US.UTF-8
>> Memory=1003M
>> [Libraries]
>> GStreamer=libgstreamer-0.10.so.0.30.0
>> GTK+=libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.2400.13
>> Poppler=libpoppler.so.28.0.0
>> Qt4=libQtCore.so.4.8.3
>> SDL=libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.4
>> Note: A user on Lubuntu 12.10 discovered this problem in one of my
>> applications and he wasn't running in VM, so it is not VM releated.
> This problem with IconView occured on Lubuntu 12.10 - LXDE 0.5.12 first.
> Now recently I had a bug report from a guy who recently installed
> Lubuntu 12.04 - LXDE 0.5.8 with the same problem -> IconView is blacked
> out.
> Strangely enought I have two Lubuntu 12.04 - LXDE 0.5.8 installed where
> the problem doesn't occur. They where installed 1/2 year ago and kept
> updated.
> I have two recently installs of Lubuntu 12.04 - LXDE 0.5.8 on end user
> systems where the problem occurs as well.
> So it seems all recent Lubuntu installs as of 12.04 have the problem
> with the IconView.
> So I made a little IconView tester to test the troubled Lubuntu 12.10.
> When running it with gb.qt4 IconView blacks out
> When running it with gb.gtk IconView works as expected
> Next I tested on a troubled Lubuntu 12.04 to run the gtk version of
> IconView and it works, the qt4 version doesn't.
> So the problem seems to be gb.qt4 related.
> Themes on ALL Lubuntu systems is QGtk.(those working and those not
> working with gb.gt4 IconViewTest)
> Tested with Gambas 3.4.0 and 3.4.0 both rev#5598 and rev#5608
> Attached:
> - Screenshot with gb.gtk used on Lubuntu 12.10
> - Screenshot with gb.qt4 used on Lubuntu 12.10
> - Source Archive of IconViewTester
> Source Archive is set to gb.gtk (the working version)
> Run once with gb.gtk next set to component gb.qt4 and run again to see
> the difference.
> Note: All my Lubuntu 12.04 that have been installed over 1/2 a year ago
> work with both versions
> All recently installed Lubuntu 12.04 work with only gb.gtk version.
> If more information is needed just let me know.
> The Lubuntu 12.10 specification are in previous post (see above).
> The application I have this problem in is using gb.qt4.webkit so it has
> to use gb.qt4 (since there is no gb.gtk.webkit -> why not actually?)

Lack of time to do it...

> else I could simply solve my problem by switching to gb.gtk
> Thanks..

I can't reproduce the problem, but it must come from the theme. Which 
GTK+ theme do you use on the system you get the black background, and on 
the system you don't get it?

Benoît Minisini

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