On Wed, 2013-08-28 at 14:08 -0700, Randall Morgan wrote:
> It is standard practice to never use spaces in MySQL table and field
> names. Replace the spaces with underscores. Also, it's good to use
> only lower case field names (especially if you access the database
> remotely. So your fields should be:
> product_id
> initial_ic
> actual_ic
>  etc..
> Using mixed case, special characters, or white space in a dbms is very
> poor practice and always leads to trouble..... 

Hi Randall,

I understand this, but it is an existing database that holds 10 years of
data and has 50+ tables and 6 custom client apps connected to it, all on
a Windows platform. Changing field names could break a lot!

Client apps are Access .mde with link to the tables in a central
Access .mde that holds only tables. All still runs and preforms well
it's getting time to move to a more serious DBMS.

Client .mde's hold forms, VB code and a whole lot of queries.
I'm trying to migrate the centtral .mde to MySql on a Linux server and
in such a manner that the existing client apps can continue working
without to much of a change at their side.

So in the client I would only need to make a ODBS connection and link
the tables to MySql and that should be it (in theory).

>From there I wanted to slowly start porting the Access clients one by
one to Gambas written clients. So I migrated a few tables and am doing
my testing now and run into trouble with the field names containing
spaces when doing a SELECT.

Changing the field names would mean checking ALL queries and ALL VB code
and would be almost like redoing the 6 clients. If that can be avoided,
I will avoid it.

Anyway thanks for the good advises. They will be practised in any new
tables that will get set up.

Kind regards,

Willy (aka gbWilly)


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