On Wed, 21 Aug 2013, Tobias Boege wrote:
> Hi folks,
> is anyone else having trouble with the latest revision(s)? I observed two
> things:
> 1) Stream buffering broken. If I have a Process (it may equivalently well
>    be only a Process problem (not a general Stream one) as it is the Process
>    code which was touched recently), I get one line from it and nothing more
>    until the program terminates (or the Process object is released).
>    The IDE has the same problem with my programs: If I use Print/Debug/Error
>    in the code, the IDE doesn't see them until the program is closed.

You already fixed this.

> 2) IDE property panel unusable. I can't set values anymore. The errors say
>    "Incorrect property value." for everything. I can't set a Boolean to True
>    anymore, to give an example.

Turns out that this has been fixed meanwhile, too.

And while collecting information about that "slowdown" problem when reading
much data from a Process, I noticed that this is a GUI problem, i.e. it only
appears when I update a TextArea with data from the Process. The immense
memory allocation also seems natural to me in this light. I should find a
better way to code things... (Currently, at some point, my program just
hangs after becoming slower and slower with the TextArea updates until the
Process terminates.)


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