Well, looks like there is a little bug here. I will fix that tomorrow.

Le Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:15:57 +0200, Bruce <bbr...@paddys-hill.net> a écrit:
> First, thanks all for the replies.
>         re: Content v Contents
>        I think (not that Australian is the definitive interpretation of
>         the English  language) that it depends on the explicit usage.
>                 "The content of this box is dangerous" refers to the
>                 entire contents of the box as a single entity.
>                 "The contents of this box are dangerous" refers to each
>                 and every item contained in the box.
>         (if that makes it any clearer??)
> Now my problem, that I should have made clearer in the first place, is
> that the SQL string is an attribute of the node.
> <task name="Update diary", sql="UPDATE blah SET ... FROM blahblah WHERE
> date&lt;current_date;" />
> I have no problem writing the xml out.
>   wkXMLtask.NewAttribute("sql",sSQL)
> converts any internal >'s and <'s to &lt; and &gt; automagically.
> However,
>   sSQL=wkXMLtask.GetAttribute("sql")
> leaves the XML encoded characters as they are.
> Bruce
> <
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