Le 23/10/2013 14:15, Kende Krisztián a écrit :
> Hi
> I have read the "How To Package Gambas" document
> (http://www.gambasdoc.org/help/howto/package?v3#t2) and some things I
> do not understand:
> The runtime package contain the gb.gui component, but gambas3-runtime
> is not depend from gambas3-gb-gtk or gambas3-gb-qt4. Gb.gui does not
> work without them.

I guess with "is not depend from", you mean "does not depend on"?

Logically, you are right. 'gb.gui' without 'gb.gtk' OR 'gb.qt4' is not 
really useful.

But actually, you can run then 'gb.gui' component without nothing else. 
You would get a Gambas error, but not an error of the dynamic loader.

Remember that the main point of having all these packages is preventing 
the user from installing something he doesn't need: forcing to install 
'gb.gtk' or 'gt.qt4' just because you need the Gambas runtime would 
carry megabytes of shared libraries!

> Gambas3-ide package is depend from gambas3-gb-form, but is not from
> gambas3-gb-form-stock. Gambas3.gambas is not work without gb.form.stock
> component.

Actually 'gb.form' can work without 'gb.form.stock', as soon as you 
don't use the standard built-in icon theme that is located in the 
gb.form.stock component.

> Gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome package is depend from gambas3-gb-desktop, but
> vice versa is not true (in other words, the previous contents are not
> part of the latter). If use gb.desktop component on GNOME desktop, the
> following error message comes up: Cannot load component
> 'gb.desktop.gnome': cannot find component

Same logic: actually 'gb.desktop' can run without 'gb.desktop.gnome'. 
'gb.desktop.gnome' relies on a gnome desktop component that may carry 
most part of the Gnome installation if you have a dependency, even if 
you don't use it.

I don't know if you can make an optional dependency that would install 
only if a specific desktop is in use, and if it is possible in all 
distributions... If you can, just tell me. Otherwise, you must not 
create a dependency.

> I do not fully follow this specifications.

You should really, otherwise you will force people to install libraries 
they don't really need (imagine you need gambas on an embedded system 
without gui, i.e. you just need the runtime. You don't want all the GUI 


Benoît Minisini

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