Le 24/10/2013 15:08, Tobias Boege a écrit :
> My workaround always was like this:
>    ' Create the read pipe special file
>    hGPstdout = Pipe "/tmp/gnuplotFIFO2" For Write
>    Close #hGPstdout
>    ' Create write end
>    hGPpipe = Pipe "/tmp/gnuplotFIFO1" For Write
>    ' Start writer
>    hGPproc = Shell "gnuplot </tmp/gnuplotFIFO1 >/tmp/gnuplotFIFO2"
>    ' Really create read end
>    hGPstdout = Pipe "/tmp/gnuplotFIFO2" For Read Watch
> Note that since the shell which starts hGPproc already opened
> /tmp/gnuplotFIFO2, you won't have any deadlock problems when opening
> hGPstdout For Read afterwards.
> Anyway, if I
>    Print #hGPpipe, "plot x^2"
> only garbage (not non-sense but the string is always scrambled) seems to
> arrive at gnuplot. Also, I seem to get output from gnuplot irregularly. So
> I'm out of options for now. I remember that raising Read events for streams
> has been subject to issues from time to time...
> Regards,
> Tobi

Please give details. I tried what you said (but "plot x*x" because" 
"plot x^2" seems to not be the good syntax), and I always got the plot 
as expected.

Benoît Minisini

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