Am Dienstag, den 29.10.2013, 13:57 +1030 schrieb Bruce:
> I have a need to detect if a particular Slot exists in the .config
> file for an application. Just the Slot not whether any value lines exist
> under it.
> There doesn't seem to be a way to do this via gb.settings?  I have tried
> using 
>         If Settings.Keys["Filter"] then
> but this seems always to be true. Similarly
>         If Settings["Filter"] then
> always seems to be false.
> So is there a way to find out if a Slot does exist?
> ---- more info -----
> The problem is that the value lines depend on about 8 text boxes set or
> cleared by the user. If one or more of the text boxes are empty then
> that value line will not appear under the [Filter] slot. So I can't
> detect the existence of the slot by detecting a particular value line.
> In fact if they clear all the filter strings then that whole slot will
> disappear.
> Thus I need to check if the slot exists, so then I could
>         If Settings.Exist["Filter"] then 
>           GetFilterSettings
>         Else
>           SetDefaultFilter
>         Endif

Salut Bruce,

Settings.Read (gb.settings)
Sub Read ( hObject As Object [ , sKey As String, vDefault As Variant ] )

Settings("Filter", GetFilterSettings, SetDefaultFilter)


Public Function KeyExists(objSetting As Settings, sFindKey As String) As
Dim sKey As String
Dim bRet As Boolean
   bRet = False
   For Each sKey In objSetting.Keys
      If sKey = sFindKey Then
          bRet = True
   Return bRet


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