Hi Markus et al

One of the big attractions of MS Access is that all the data, forms and queries 
can be delivered to the user in a single file. This is very attractive when it 
comes to distributing standalone databases to be run on the desktop. 
LibreOffice Base, at its simplest level, seeks to do the same thing, but it is 
seriously hampered by having such a rudimentary form designer, and its 
implemention of the Basic programming language is more difficult to use than 
VBA. When you add to that the default HSQL database engine, which is both slow 
and inefficient, you have a tool which I cannot believe is widely used for 
anything other than local "quick and dirty" databases, where performance and 
appearance are of little importance.

Of course, both Access and Base can be used for far more sophisticated 
purposes. Through the use of ODBC Access can connect to a number of different 
types of database and, combined with the use of local tables, can extend the 
core dataset. Again, Base can do much the same, but it remains hampered by 
having such an unsophisticated form designer and the tedious programming 

With Gambas it is not possible to achieve the "single file" approach to 
database application delivery that you can with Access or Base (well, I've not 
found a way), but it is still very simple to deliver a Gambas executable 
(assuming the runtime environment has already been installed on the target) and 
an associated SQLite database in just 2 files. This makes distribution by 
email, subject to size constraints, a practical proposition in way that is not 
possible if the data is hosted in a server-based architecture.

Developing a database front-end in Gambas is more like developing such an 
application in VB than Access, as you still need to create the links between 
the controls on the form and the database which, of course, is done for you 
automatically in Access. For all that, though, it is very easy whether you use 
the Gambas databound controls or prefer to write a few generic read/write 
procedures long-hand.

>From the description of your Baze project in Google Code, rather than 
>duplicating an existing application I believe that you will end up with a high 
>performance tool which achieves the flexibility aspirations of Base combined 
>with the ability to create a sophisticated, professional-looking user 
>interface. By including support for NoSQL you will be ahead of the game.

It's an ambitious goal, but I do think that as long as ease of use and 
implementation are always at the forefront of the design, then it will 
eventually find an enthusiastic user base.

I wish you every success.

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