thx guys! exactly what i was looking for :)

------ Original Message ------
From: "Alain Baudrez" <>
To: "mailing list for gambas users" <>
Sent: 11/8/2013 3:11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] App.Major Version
>2013/11/8 Bruce <>
>>  On Fri, 2013-11-08 at 10:37 +0100, Alain Baudrez wrote:
>>  > Hoi,
>>  >
>>  > put those in a class
>>  >
>>  > ' Gambas class file : clsVerion
>>  > ' Version Info
>>  > '
>>  > ' Call as follows:
>>  > ' DIM cVersion as new clsVersion
>>  > '
>>  > ' Print cVersion.VersionMajor & "." & cVersion.VersionMinor & " 
>>Build #
>>  " &
>>  > cVersion.Build
>>  > '
>>  > Property Read Version ' Full version eg. 1.2.39
>>  > Property Read VersionMajor As String ' Major part eg. 1
>>  > Property Read VersionMinor As String ' Minor Part eg. 2
>>  > Property Read VersionSmall As String ' Major and Minor eg. 1.2
>>  > Property Read Build As String ' Revision eg. 39
>>  >
>>  > Private Versie As String
>>  >
>>  > Public Sub _new()
>>  >
>>  > Versie = Application.Version
>>  >
>>  > End
>>  >
>>  > Private Function Version_Read() As String
>>  >
>>  > Return Versie
>>  >
>>  > End
>>  >
>>  > Private Function VersionMajor_Read() As String
>>  >
>>  > Return Left(Versie, InStr(Versie, ".") - 1)
>>  >
>>  > End
>>  >
>>  > Private Function VersionMinor_Read() As String
>>  >
>>  > Return Mid(versie, InStr(Versie, ".") + 1, RInStr(Versie, ".") -
>>  > InStr(Versie, ".") - 1)
>>  >
>>  > End
>>  >
>>  > Private Function Build_Read() As String
>>  >
>>  > Return Right(Versie, RInStr(Versie, ".") - 2)
>>  >
>>  > End
>>  >
>>  > Private Function VersionSmall_Read() As String
>>  >
>>  > Return Left(Versie, RInStr(Versie, ".") - 1)
>>  >
>>  > End
>>  > ' ============= End of Class =============
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > *Alain J. Baudrez*
>>  >
>>  > Tel: +32(0)486485080
>>  >
>>  > *Personal Homepage:*
>>  > - -
>>  >
>>  > Webmaster -
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > 2013/11/8 Riaan Pretorius <>
>>  >
>>  > > Good Day,
>>  > >
>>  > > I was wondering if the equivalent of App.Major (vb6) exists in 
>>  > >
>>  > > Example:
>>  > >
>>  > > ' Visual Basic 6.0
>>  > >
>>  > > Label1.Caption = "Version: " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." 
>>  > >
>>  > > & App.Revision
>>  > >
>>  > >
>>  > > Riaan
>>  > >
>>  Ow Alain, my poor fingers!
>>  How about just
>>          Application.Version.Split(".")[0] ' for the major
>>          Application.Version.Split(".")[1] ' for the minor
>>          Application.Version.Split(".")[2] ' for the revision
>>  or for your OP's example
>>          Label1.Caption = "Version: " & Application.Version
>>  :-)
>>  Bruce
>Hey Bruce,
>I knew that somewhere someone with a much cleaner solution would pop 
>Thanks for sharing.
>What about your poor fingers. Having programmed in COBOL, I find what I
>did, not to heavy on my fingers, but your solution is much sleeker of
>course ;)
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