Dear cracks

After fooling hours/days in Wikipedia, Googling etc I'd like to place my
issue here (before driving nuts). If this is not appropriate please sb
indicate where I can find help. Thanks.

For debugging I'd like to write the following info in a
string: procedure name, code line number, element which has started
current running/failing procedure.

my code:
'Public Procedure ProcXYZ(....
'   Dim $CheckVar as String
'   Dim $Testmode as Integer
'   Dim $ResSPos as Result
'   ...
'      $ResSPos = HiModSql.Sql2Res("TblVerknAkt",".....
'         $x = $ResSPos!x
'         If $Testmode > 0 Then
'        $CheckVar &= Chr(10) & ?codeline? &": $x=" & $x
'        ...
'   ...
'   Catch
'      Message.Warning("Catch ?procname?, Error=" & Error.code & ", " &
'        Error.text & Chr(10) & "$CheckVar:" & Chr(10) & $CheckVar, "ok")

My questions:
How to deviate Debug into a string?
How to get codelinenumber? (Is there a list of useful things?)
How to get element which started procedure?

Please apologize if code formatting is not state of the art.
I'm autodidact.

Thanks for your help.


Note: I'm an quite enthusiastic Gambas user. Thanks, you're doing great.
Go ahead and do not bother never ending "Basic-Discussion-bigots".

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