Greetings -- 

(I have attached a small sample Gambas3 project.)

I have encountered 2 possible bugs -- OR, I just need somebody to correct

1.  (less serious) -- When I set the property "Printer.Paper =
Printer.Letter", I get an error message:
" 'Printer.Paper' is not Static "
This on line 51 of FMain.class, in the attached project.  Please review my
usage -- probably I am using it incorrectly.

2.  (more serious) -- When I try to print a document that exceeds one page,
I only get multiple copies of the first page.  I BELIEVE that I am using the
Printer and Paint syntax correctly.  My attached project includes a document
formatted in agreement with the "rich text " subset of HTML used by Gambas.
(The formatting is crude, only to provide a printable sample document.)

This document SHOULD print over a span of 9 pages, but instead I only get 9
of the same pages (1st page, 9X).  
>From my work with this program, it appears that either the "Paint" class or
"Printer" class is behaving like Printer.Count is the same as
Printer.NumCopies.  Please let me know if this is my error, or if it is a
bug.  I have set the default printer as printing to a .PDF file.


Versions:  Xubuntu 13.10/Gambas 3.5

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